Comment: |
I.Magnesia 180 specifically states that Aristomachos, after his Olympian victory, 'won next in the Capitolia in Rome'; I.Magnesia 181 is again poetic by referring to the 'Ausoniden fegon', but also uses 'deuteron' to confirm the order right after the Olympics. In general for dating I follow Farrington (2012), 144 note 467, which reproduces two possible career reconstructions from the two inscriptions as given in IAG 204 - Moretti assumes a chronological order for Aristomachos' victories, which is reasonable since I.Magnesia 180 gives some indication of dating (Olympiads a.o.) and I.Magnesia 181 extensively uses adverbs and particles to describe the order in which his victories appear. The dating of Aristomachos' Actian and Nemaean victories are somewhat unclear, but generally his victories fall between the short time limit given. The discipline is not made explicit, but due to chronology and the fact that I.Magnesia 180 later switches to another age category (viz. 'ageneioi') it is assumed his victory is still in 'pankration - paides' (I.Magnesia 181 also calls Aristomachos the pankratiast) - PK