Event: Nikon from Anthedon (Boiotia)

Event ID 2140
Person Nikon son of ___ from Anthedon in Boiotia
Festival Olympia in Olympia (Elis)
Discipline combat sports: pankration
Age Category
Date -296 - -296
Achievement V
Comment: Moretti (1957), no. 517 Farrington (2012), no. 1.80 and p. 125 note 317 stand at the basis of the information in this entry; the source material is the fourth fragment of P.Oxy XVII 2082. Farrington's date range is based on Grenfell & Hunt's dating of the Olympic victories of Nikon to 300 and 296 B.C. Farrington mentions additionally two Pythian, two Isthmian and four Nemean victories, apparently all in the pankration. - PK