Person: [pentathlete] from Elis (Elis)

Place of birth
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3 - 4 events
> 4 events
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1000 BC to 1000 AD
Person ID: 1151
Name: [pentathlete]
Place of Origin: Elis (Elis)
Date Range: -275 to -225
List of Festivals:
___ in ? (?)
Eleusinia in Athens (Attica)
Olympia in Olympia (Elis)
Soteria in Delphi (Phokis)
List of Events:
Eleusinia in Athens (Attica) on ( -280 to -250 )
___ in ? (?) on ( -280 to -250 )
Eleusinia in ___ on ( -275 to -225 )
Eleusinia in Athens (Attica) on ( -275 to -225 )
Soteria in Delphi (Phokis) on ( -275 to -225 )
Soteria in Delphi (Phokis) on ( -275 to -225 )
Olympia in Olympia (Elis) on ( -275 to -225 )
List of Disciplines:
pentathlon: pentathlon
List of References:
IvO 176
SEG 37.358
List of Prosopographies:
Moretti (1957), no. 560
Moretti (1992), no. 560
Nachtergael (1977), p. 362
Mannheim ID 1106
Comment: Moretti (1957) dates the inscription (IvO 176) to the mid-3rd century BC based on epigraphic characteristics and the mention of the Soteria at Delphi (though Delphi is not mentioned in the inscription). The editors of IvO 176 give a date range from 280 to 250 BC. Moretti then suggests the 132nd Olympiad for this victory (=252 BC). SEG 37.358 argues for a dating of the inscription after 246 BC. Later Moretti (1992) postpones the Olympic victory to a a few years later, due to the double victory achieved at the Soteria.