Person: Xenothemis son of Kleostratos from Miletos (Ionia)

Place of birth
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3 - 4 events
> 4 events
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1000 BC to 1000 AD
Person ID: 37
Name: Xenothemis
Father's Name: Kleostratos
Place of Origin: Miletos (Ionia)
Date Range: -130 to -100
List of Festivals:
Isthmia in Sikyon? (Sikyonia)
Nemea in Argos (Argeia)
Olympia in Olympia (Elis)
Pythia in Delphi (Phokis)
List of Events:
Pythia in Delphi (Phokis) on ( -130 to -100 )
Olympia in Olympia (Elis) on ( -130 to -100 )
Nemea in Argos (Argeia) on ( -130 to -100 )
Didymeia in ___ on ( -130 to -100 )
Isthmia in Sikyon? (Sikyonia) on ( -130 to -100 )
Didymeia in ___ on ( -130 to -100 )
List of Disciplines:
combat sports: pugme
List of References:
I.Didyma 97A = IAG 49 = GIBM 929
List of Prosopographies:
Moretti (1957), no. 641
LGPN V5b-24629
Farrington (2012), no. 1.102
Strasser (2001), no. 128
Kostouros (2008), no. 152
Comment: Source mentions several victories but is not available on PHI: IAG 49; cf. Farrington (2012), note 361. The inscription mentions he won the Didymeia, where he won 'pugmen paidas kai andras'; the Olympia, Nemea, Isthmia and Pythia he won in the age category 'andres', it seems. The source also speaks of 'the other contests' (kai tous loipous agonas). The dating is based upon Farrington (2012), note 360, with reference to the dating of IAG 45 by Moretti between 150-100 BC. - PK