Person: Theandridai NN (family) from Aegina (Aegina)

Place of birth
1 - 2 events
3 - 4 events
> 4 events
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600 to 500 BC
3 events attended
in selected period
Person ID: 428
Name: Theandridai NN (family)
Place of Origin: Aegina (Aegina)
Date Range: -600 to -500
List of Festivals:
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia)
Nemea in Argos (Argeia)
Olympia in Olympia (Elis)
List of Events:
Nemea in Argos (Argeia) on ( -600 to -500 )
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia) on ( -600 to -500 )
Olympia in Olympia (Elis) on ( -600 to -500 )
List of References:
Pi. N. 4.73-75
List of Prosopographies:
Farrington (2012), no. 3.1
Comment: Multiple members of this family have been victorious at the Olympia, Isthmia, and Nemea, probably in a gymnastic discipline, as Pindar writes: 'It is for the Theandridae that I contracted to come as a ready herald of their limb-strengthening contests (v. 75) at Olympia and the Isthmus, and at Nemea. From there, when they compete, they do not return without the fruit' (translation Loeb).