Person: Aurelius Toalis from Oinoanda? (Lycia)

Place of birth
1 - 2 events
3 - 4 events
> 4 events
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1000 BC to 1000 AD
Person ID: 859
Name: Aurelius Toalis
Place of Origin: Oinoanda? (Lycia)
Date Range: 193 to 235
Honorary Citizen of:
Arykanda (Lycia)
Olympia? (Elis)
List of Festivals:
Aktia in Nikopolis (Epeiros)
Koina Asias in Laodikeia on the Lykos (Phrygia)
Olympia in ? (?)
Pythia in Delphi (Phokis)
List of Events:
Koina Asias in Laodikeia on the Lykos (Phrygia) on ( 193 to 235 )
Aktia in Nikopolis (Epeiros) on ( 193 to 235 )
Aktia in Nikopolis (Epeiros) on ( 193 to 235 )
Pythia in Delphi (Phokis) on ( 193 to 235 )
Olympia in ? (?) on ( 193 to 235 )
Olympia in ? (?) on ( 193 to 235 )
List of Disciplines:
combat sports: pankration
combat sports: pankration?
List of Agonistic Titles:
List of References:
Hall & Millner (1934), no. 7
Paris & Holleaux, BCH 10 (1886), no. 13
SEG 44.1171
List of Prosopographies:
Moretti (1957), no. 1005, 1006
Sarikakis (1965), no. 18
Strasser (2001), no. 235
LGPN V5b-43592
Strasser (2021), no. 156
Gouw (2009), no. 100
Pleket (1998), p. 129-132
van Nijf (2001), p. 321-322
Comment: Inscription on a statue base for Aurelius Toalis, celebrating his ἐνδόξως victory as a boy in the pankration at the Koina of the Lycians. Gouw suggests Toalis managed to leave local games behind him to participate in crown games. He also poses Olympos (Lycia) as the athlete's origin place. On the location of the festivals in the wreaths: N.Milner in D.French (ed.), Studies in the History and Topography of Lycia and Pisidia. In Memoriam A.S.Hall (Ankara 1994) 93/94 'interpret the Olympia, Aktia and Pythia as ‘local versions of the original contests, because T. is only a παράδοξος, not a ἱερονείκης’'. Pleket disagrees: 'The five wreaths are likely to have been added later, when Toalis was successful on the international level (admittedly, the lettering seems similar to that of the main text); surely the Aktia are not known to have been organized in places other than Nikopolis; ἰσάκτιοι ἀγῶνες are known elsewhere, but that is a different matter' (copied from SEG 44.1171) Strasser (2022) and Gouw (2009) propose Marcus Aurelius Toalis as full name, citizen of Olympos and Arykandos. Strasser (2001) lists his name as Μαρκος Αὐρήλιος Τοαλις. In total 6+ victories: Oenoanda, Olympia (2), Pythia, Actia (2) in unknown games.