Person: Ainesis son of Patamousos

Person ID: 87
Name: Ainesis
Father's Name: Patamousos
Place of Origin: (Thrace)
Date Range: -300 to -200
Honorary Citizen of:
Arsinoe (Egypt)
List of Festivals:
___ in (Bithynia)
Basileia in Alexandria (Egypt)
List of Events:
Basileia in Alexandria (Egypt) on ( -267 to -267 )
___ in (Bithynia) on ( ? to ? )
List of Disciplines:
running: dolichos
List of References:
SEG 27.1114
Comment: Perpillou-Thomas 206 = PP 6, 17189 = E0700 = TM pnr 4540 Source: SEG 27, 114, a 14 he is mentioned as a thraix? TM suggests that he is Arsinoites