Person: Poros/Proros from Kyrene (Kyrenaika)

Place of birth
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3 - 4 events
> 4 events
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1000 BC to 1000 AD
Person ID: 3650
Name: Poros/Proros
Place of Origin: Kyrene (Kyrenaika)
List of Festivals:
Olympia in Elis (Elis)
List of Events:
Olympia in Elis (Elis) on ( -356 to -356 )
Olympia in Elis (Elis) on ( -360 to -360 )
List of Disciplines:
running: stadion
List of References:
D.S. 16.2, 16.15
Euseb. Chron. Ll. 224-225 (ed. Christesen) = African. Chron. F65 ll. 200-201 (ed. Wallraff)
Paus. 10.2.3
List of Prosopographies:
Moretti (1957), no. 423, 430
Comment: Poros: Diodorus, Eusebius and Iulius Africanus Proros: Pausanias (probably a mistake) Diodorus (16.15) tells us that a certain Poros from Malis (Achaia) won the stadion-race at the 106th Olympiad. Poros may have changed his citizenship, for whatever reason. Eusebius and Iulius Alexander simply mention that the same Poros won a second time. There may have been problems in the manuscripts. But, for now, we follow Moretti who accepts that Poros won two stadion-races.