Person: Dionysia daughter of Hermesianax from Kaisareia Tralleis (Caria)

Place of birth
1 - 2 events
3 - 4 events
> 4 events
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1000 BC to 1000 AD
Person ID: 622
Name: Dionysia
Father's Name: Hermesianax
Place of Origin: Kaisareia Tralleis (Caria)
Date Range: 30 to 60
List of Festivals:
Asklepia in Epidauros (Epidauria)
List of Events:
Asklepia in Epidauros (Epidauria) on ( 30 to 60 )
List of Disciplines:
running: stadion
List of References:
F.Delphes III.1, 534 = IAG 63 = SEG 14.420 = SEG 38.414
Pomtow, Klio 15 (1918), p. 71-77, no. 100-101 = Syll(3) 802 = F.Delphes II, p. 157
List of Prosopographies:
Moretti (1953), no. 63
Sève (1993), no. 13
Strasser (2021), no. 21
Stephanis (1988), no. 1061
Bélis (1999), p. 56-57
Jacquemin (1999), no. 468
Strasser (2002), p. 287-296
Aspiotes (2006), 844
Kostouros (2008), no. 72
Farrington (2012), no. 1.141-142
Comment: The first contest where Dionysia won is no longer visible on the stone, but was won when Antigonos was agonothete, so perhaps she won at the Nemea when an Antigonos was agonothete (known from the part in the inscription on her sister Hedea) or at the Pythia when an Antigonos was agonothete (known from the part in the inscription on her other sister, Tryphosa).