Person: Demetrios from Chios (Chios)

Place of birth
1 - 2 events
3 - 4 events
> 4 events
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1000 BC to 1000 AD
Person ID: 779
Name: Demetrios
Place of Origin: Chios (Chios)
Date Range: 133 to 133
List of Festivals:
Olympia in Olympia (Elis)
List of Events:
Olympia in Olympia (Elis) on ( 133 to 133 )
List of Disciplines:
running: stadion
List of References:
Euseb. Chron. l. 455 (ed. Christesen) = Afric. Chron. F65 l. 379 (ed. Wallraff)
List of Prosopographies:
Moretti (1957), no. 863
Moretti (1957), no. 864
Moretti (1970), p. 301
Moretti (1992), nos. 863-864
Comment: Moretti following Louis Robert thinks Demetrios or Heras might be identified with an athlete from a contemporary Chian epigram, SEG 14.562 which I am not including for now. -JS An additional fragment of the inscription in SEG 14.562 suggests that Demetrios is not the athlete mentioned in the epigram, but rather a Marcus Aurelius Heras (in Moretti 1957 under no. 867), also in de CC-database (Person ID 7582). See SEG 19.589. - CT