Person: T. Claudius Philologos Theseus from Athens (Attica)

Place of birth
1 - 2 events
3 - 4 events
> 4 events
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1000 BC to 1000 AD
Person ID: 11609
Name: T. Claudius Philologos Theseus
Place of Origin: Athens (Attica)
Honorary Citizen of:
Magnesia on the Maeander (Ionia)
Ephesos (Ionia)
List of Festivals:
___ in (Bithynia?)
___ in ? (?)
List of Events:
___ in ? (?) on ( 100 to 200 )
___ in ? (?) on ( 100 to 200 )
___ in ? (?) on ( 100 to 200 )
___ in ? (?) on ( 100 to 200 )
___ in ? (?) on ( 100 to 200 )
___ in ? (?) on ( 100 to 200 )
___ in ? (?) on ( 100 to 200 )
___ in ? (?) on ( 100 to 200 )
___ in ? (?) on ( 100 to 200 )
___ in ? (?) on ( 100 to 200 )
___ in ? (?) on ( 100 to 200 )
___ in ? (?) on ( 100 to 200 )
___ in (Bithynia?) on ( 100 to 200 )
List of References:
I.Ephesos 1135
Keil, AAWW 82 (1945), p. 10-18
List of Prosopographies:
Strasser (2021), no. 68
Stephanis (1988), no. 1219
Comment: First and only of the biologoi (made) citizen of Athens, of the deme of Marathon; member of the Council of many other cities (Strasser).