Person: Drakontomenes son of Hierokles from Halicarnassus (Caria)

Place of birth
1 - 2 events
3 - 4 events
> 4 events
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1000 BC to 1000 AD
Person ID: 31
Name: Drakontomenes
Father's Name: Hierokles
Place of Origin: Halicarnassus (Caria)
Date Range: -200 to -100
List of Festivals:
Amphiaraia kai Rhomaia in Oropos (Boiotia)
Asklepieia in Epidauros (Epidauria)
Asklepieia in Kos (Kos)
Eleutheria in Plataiai (Boiotia)
Heraia in Argos (Argolis)
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia)
Nemea in Argos (Argeia)
Panathenaia in Athens (Attica)
Rhomaia in Kibyra (Lycia)
Rhomaia in Chalkis (Euboia)
Theophaneia in Chios (Chios)
List of Events:
Asklepieia in Kos (Kos) on ( -50 to -50 )
Amphiaraia kai Rhomaia in Oropos (Boiotia) on ( -50 to -50 )
Rhomaia in Chalkis (Euboia) on ( -50 to -50 )
Eleutheria in Plataiai (Boiotia) on ( -50 to -50 )
Heraia in Argos (Argolis) on ( -50 to -50 )
Panathenaia in Athens (Attica) on ( -50 to -50 )
Panathenaia in Athens (Attica) on ( -50 to -50 )
Rhomaia in Kibyra (Lycia) on ( -50 to -50 )
Heraia in Argos (Argolis) on ( -50 to -50 )
Amphiaraia kai Rhomaia in Oropos (Boiotia) on ( -50 to -50 )
Theophaneia in Chios (Chios) on ( -50 to -50 )
Nemea in Argos (Argeia) on ( -200 to -100 )
Asklepieia in Epidauros (Epidauria) on ( -198 to -100 )
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia) on ( -198 to -196 )
List of Disciplines:
running: diaulos
running: dolichos
running: hippios
List of Agonistic Titles:
List of References:
Klee (1918), II C, l. 39f.
SEG 44.692
SEG 44.871
Syll.(3), 1064 = SEG 34.1066 = IAG 56 = SEG 14.728
List of Prosopographies:
LGPN V5b-5430
Farrington (2012), no. 1.99
Sève (1993), no. 15
Kostouros (2008), no. 56
Strasser (2021), no. 247
Mellor (1975), no. 74
Mannheim ID 377
Comment: The dating is based upon Klee as referred to by Farrington (2012), note 353; if it is assumed correctly that the victory list is in chronological order, then Farrington may rightly suggest a dating of 198-6 BC as the date of Drakontomenes' Isthmian victory. The source mentions additional victories. Mannheim restores the athlete's name as Drakon. Sève (1993) dates him to somewhere before 100 BC, which is a lot more vague than Farrington.