Person: Publius Aelius Artemas from Laodikeia (Pisidia)

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1000 BC to 1000 AD
Person ID: 384
Name: Publius Aelius Artemas
Place of Origin: Laodikeia (Pisidia)
Date Range: 121 to 139
List of Festivals:
___ in Pergamon (Mysia)
Aktia in Nikopolis (Epeiros)
Balbillea in Ephesos? (Ionia)
Capitolia in Rome (Italy)
Hadrianeia in Smyrna (Ionia)
Hadrianeia in Ephesos (Ionia)
Isthmia in Isthmia (Corinthia)
Nemea in Argos (Argeia)
Olympia in Olympia (Elis)
Olympia in Ephesos (Ionia)
Panathenaia in Athens (Attica)
Panhellenia in Athens (Attica)
Pythia in Delphi (Phokis)
List of Events:
Panhellenia in Athens (Attica) on ( 132 to 139 )
Hadrianeia in Smyrna (Ionia) on ( 123 to 139 )
Hadrianeia in Ephesos (Ionia) on ( 123 to 139 )
Olympia in Ephesos (Ionia) on ( 121 to 139 )
Olympia in Ephesos (Ionia) on ( 121 to 139 )
Hadrianeia in Ephesos (Ionia) on ( 123 to 139 )
Balbillea in Ephesos? (Ionia) on ( 121 to 139 )
___ in Pergamon (Mysia) on ( 121 to 139 )
___ in Pergamon (Mysia) on ( 121 to 139 )
Hadrianeia in Smyrna (Ionia) on ( 121 to 139 )
Panathenaia in Athens (Attica) on ( 121 to 139 )
Pythia in Delphi (Phokis) on ( 121 to 139 )
Isthmia in Isthmia (Corinthia) on ( 121 to 139 )
Isthmia in Isthmia (Corinthia) on ( 121 to 139 )
Isthmia in Isthmia (Corinthia) on ( 121 to 139 )
Isthmia in Isthmia (Corinthia) on ( 121 to 139 )
Isthmia in Isthmia (Corinthia) on ( 121 to 139 )
Nemea in Argos (Argeia) on ( 121 to 139 )
Aktia in Nikopolis (Epeiros) on ( 121 to 139 )
Capitolia in Rome (Italy) on ( 118 to 136 )
Olympia in Olympia (Elis) on ( 137 to 137 )
List of Disciplines:
other: keryxis
List of References:
Dittenberger, Arch. Zeitung 35 (1877), no. 68
IvO 237 = IAG 70
List of Prosopographies:
Farrington (2012), no. 1.168
Moretti (1957), no. 854
Moretti (1987), no. 854
Weir (2004), p. 125
Strasser (2001), no. 188
Sarikakis (1965), no. 3
Caldelli (1993), no. 24
Kostouros (2008), no. 168
Moretti (1953), no. 70
Strasser (2021), no. 57
Knab (1934), no. 44
Stephanis (1988), no. 406
Moretti (1970), p. 301
Moretti (1992), no. 854
Comment: I take the dating from Farrington (2012), 147 note 476, based on the firmly dated Olympian victory by Moretti (1957), no. 854 to 137 A.D. (the source gives the Olympiad) and the dating of the inscription (Ivo 217 = IAG 70) by Moretti to ca. 140 A.D. - Farrington goes from here to the proposed date range by assuming a possible career length of ca. 20 years for a herald. The origin of the athlete is uncertain: it is Laodikeia, Moretti (1957) originally supposed Laodikeia in Phrygia, but Moretti (1987 and 1992) gives thought to a suggestion by Robert which was Laodikeia in Lycaonia, cf. Farrington (2012), 148 note 477 for references. Artemas won many victories, among which supposedly 250 thematikoi agones which are not separately listed here. - PK