Person: Pronapes son of Pronapides from Athens (Attica)

Place of birth
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1000 BC to 1000 AD
Person ID: 466
Name: Pronapes
Father's Name: Pronapides
Place of Origin: Athens (Attica)
Date Range: -480 to -450
List of Festivals:
Isthmia in Isthmia (Corinthia)
Nemea in Argos (Argeia)
Panathenaia in Athens (Attica)
List of Events:
Panathenaia in Athens (Attica) on ( -480 to -450 )
Nemea in Argos (Argeia) on ( -480 to -450 )
Isthmia in Isthmia (Corinthia) on ( -480 to -450 )
List of Disciplines:
chariot: tethrippon?
List of References:
IG II(2), 3123 = DAA 174 = IG I(3), 880 = CEG 278
List of Prosopographies:
Farrington (2012), no. 1.43
LGPN V2-54299
Comment: I follow Farrington (2012), no. 1.43 and p. 114 notes 254-5; the origin is deduced from the find spot of the inscription (IG II(2), 3123)), as well as a prosopography of Pronapes (for references: see the LGPN entry for Pronapes as well as the commantaries on DAA 174 and Farrington's aforementioned notes); the dating is based on the dating of the inscription (viz. 450-440 B.C.) and a prosopography of Pronapes, who was a hipparch and possibly an accuser of Themistocles. The accompanying sculpture shows the assumed discipline of Pronapes' victories, the tethrippos. The inscription gives three contests (without contest places): the Nemea, Isthmia and Panathenaia in that order - perhaps there were more on the partly erased second line of the inscription. - PK