Person: Tiberius Claudius Artemidoros from Kaisareia Tralleis (Caria)

Place of birth
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3 - 4 events
> 4 events
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1000 BC to 1000 AD
Person ID: 545
Name: Tiberius Claudius Artemidoros
Place of Origin: Kaisareia Tralleis (Caria)
Date Range: 65 to 98
Honorary Citizen of:
Ephesos (Ionia)
Alexandria (Egypt)
List of Festivals:
___ in Smyrna (Ionia)
___ in Ephesos? (Ionia)
___ in Alexandria? (Egypt)
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia)
Nemea in Argos (Argeia)
Olympia in Olympia (Elis)
Pythia in Delphi (Phokis)
List of Events:
___ in Alexandria? (Egypt) on ( 50 to 75 )
___ in Ephesos? (Ionia) on ( 50 to 75 )
Pythia in Delphi (Phokis) on ( 65 to 80 )
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia) on ( 65 to 80 )
Nemea in Argos (Argeia) on ( 65 to 80 )
Olympia in Olympia (Elis) on ( 69 to 69 )
___ in Smyrna (Ionia) on ( 65 to 69 )
___ in Smyrna (Ionia) on ( 65 to 69 )
___ in Smyrna (Ionia) on ( 65 to 69 )
Olympia in Olympia (Elis) on ( 65 to 65 )
List of Disciplines:
combat sports: pankration
List of Agonistic Titles:
archiereus xystou
xystarches dia biou
List of References:
I.Ephesos 1124
Martial 6.77.3
Paus. 6.14.2-3
List of Prosopographies:
Farrington (2012), no. 2.16
Moretti (1957), no. 799
Gouw (2009), no. 142
Brunet (1998), no. 82
Weir (2004), p. 127, 136
Strasser (2001), no. 164
Fauconnier (2018)
Kostouros (2008), no. 191
Habicht (1985), p. 82-83
Golden (2004), p. 40
Moretti (1992), no. 799
Comment: Artemidoros won at the Koina Asias of Smyrna the pankration in three different age categories, which earned him the title of paradoxoneikes (Gouw).