Person: ([athlete]) from ? (Achaia)

Place of birth
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3 - 4 events
> 4 events
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1000 BC to 1000 AD
Person ID: 197
Alternative Name: [athlete]
Place of Origin: ? (Achaia)
Date Range: -210 to -194
List of Festivals:
___ in Sikyon (Sykionia)
Amphiaraia ta megala in Oropos (Attica)
Antigoneia in Sikyon (Sykionia)
Basileia in Lebadeia (Boiotia)
Eleusinia in Athens (Attica)
Eleutheria in Plataiai (Boiotia)
Heraia in Argos (Argolis)
Herakleia in Thebes (Boiotia)
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia)
Lykaia in Megalopolis (Arkadia)
Nemea in Argos (Argeia)
Olympia in Olympia (Elis)
Panathenaia in Athens (Attica)
Ptolemaia in Athens (Attica)
Pythia in Sikyon (Sykionia)
Pythia in Delphi (Phokis)
Soteria in Sikyon (Sykionia)
Thermika in Thermon (Achaia)
List of Events:
___ on ( -210 to -194 )
Pythia in Delphi (Phokis) on ( -210 to -194 )
Olympia in Olympia (Elis) on ( -210 to -194 )
Olympia in Olympia (Elis) on ( -210 to -194 )
Olympia in Olympia (Elis) on ( -210 to -194 )
Olympia in Olympia (Elis) on ( -210 to -194 )
Nemea in Argos (Argeia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Nemea in Argos (Argeia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Antigoneia in Sikyon (Sykionia) on ( -210 to -194 )
___ in Sikyon (Sykionia) on ( -210 to -194 )
___ in Sikyon (Sykionia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Lykaia in Megalopolis (Arkadia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Lykaia in Megalopolis (Arkadia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Lykaia in Megalopolis (Arkadia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Soteria in Sikyon (Sykionia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Pythia in Sikyon (Sykionia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Pythia in Sikyon (Sykionia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Herakleia in Thebes (Boiotia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Thermika in Thermon (Achaia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Thermika in Thermon (Achaia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Eleutheria in Plataiai (Boiotia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Amphiaraia ta megala in Oropos (Attica) on ( -210 to -194 )
Amphiaraia ta megala in Oropos (Attica) on ( -210 to -194 )
Lykaia in Megalopolis (Arkadia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Lykaia in Megalopolis (Arkadia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Ptolemaia in Athens (Attica) on ( -210 to -194 )
Eleusinia in Athens (Attica) on ( -210 to -194 )
Panathenaia in Athens (Attica) on ( -210 to -194 )
Basileia in Lebadeia (Boiotia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Heraia in Argos (Argolis) on ( -210 to -194 )
Heraia in Argos (Argolis) on ( -210 to -194 )
Heraia in Argos (Argolis) on ( -210 to -194 )
Heraia in Argos (Argolis) on ( -210 to -194 )
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia) on ( -210 to -194 )
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia) on ( -210 to -194 )
List of Disciplines:
running: diaulos
running: hoplites dromos
running: stadion
List of References:
SEG 11.338 = IAG 45
List of Prosopographies:
Moretti (1957), no. 592
Moretti (1957), no. 595
Moretti (1957), no. 599
Moretti (1957), no. 605
Farrington (2012), no. 1.94
Strasser (2001), no. 118
Kostouros (2008), no. 275
Mannheim ID 1128
Comment: The SEG no. (11.338) is not available on PHI. The source mentions various victories (mostly in the diaulos) which can tentatively be dated around 200 BC, cf. note 341 in Farrington (2012), based on Moretti IAG 45 - Farrington's dating has been followed here. The name is no longer extant, nor is the athlete's origin - Farrington followed Moretti in designating him Achaean, which is suggested by line 7 of the inscription, and Argos, the finding spot of the inscription, was part of the Achaean League around the time to which the source is dated. The source gives various other events in which the athlete participated, apart from the Isthmian Games. It is said of his Isthmian victory that he won 'pentakis'. - PK Moretti also includes four victories at the Olympic games, but this number is actually not completely certain: Ὀλύμπια ἄνδρας δίαυλ[ον....]ά[κ]ις (l. 15d). Nevertheless, we will follow Moretti here. In terms of date: IAG 45 gives ca. 200-180 BC. Strasser 2001, no. 118 gives ca. 210-190 BC for his victory at the Pythia in Delphi. Hence, our dating: 210-180 BC. - DvdL