Person: Alexandros son of Menandros from Ephesos (Ionia)

Place of birth
1 - 2 events
3 - 4 events
> 4 events
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1000 BC to 1000 AD
Person ID: 361
Name: Alexandros
Father's Name: Menandros
Place of Origin: Ephesos (Ionia)
Date Range: 70 to 130
List of Festivals:
Ephesea in Ephesos (Ionia)
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia)
Koina Asias in Smyrna (Ionia)
Koina Asias Balbillea in Smyrna (Ionia)
Koinon Asias in Ephesos (Ionia)
Koinon Asias in Sardis (Lydia)
Koinon Galatias
Koinon Lykias in Myra (Lycia)
List of Events:
Koinon Asias in Sardis (Lydia) on ( 75 to 100 )
Koinon Lykias in Myra (Lycia) on ( 75 to 100 )
Koinon Galatias in ___ on ( 75 to 100 )
Koina Asias in Smyrna (Ionia) on ( 75 to 100 )
Koina Asias Balbillea in Smyrna (Ionia) on ( 75 to 100 )
Ephesea in Ephesos (Ionia) on ( 75 to 100 )
Koinon Asias in Ephesos (Ionia) on ( 75 to 100 )
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia) on ( 75 to 100 )
List of Disciplines:
combat sports: pale
combat sports: pale?
combat sports: pankration
combat sports: pankration?
List of References:
I.Ephesos 1123
List of Prosopographies:
LGPN V5a-28060
Gouw (2009), no. 19
Brunet (1998), no. 1
Farrington (2012), no. 1.150
Strasser (2021), no. 39
Comment: Dating based on Farrington (2012), p. 141 n. 444, with reference to the source mentioning the Balbilleia. The last lines of the inscription read that he 'also won many other agones in the pale and the pankration'. - PK According to Gouw, Alexandros was from a prominent family (Gouw). In total, 8+ victories: Corinth, Ephesos (2), Smyrna (2), Ankyra (?), Myra, Sardis, 'and many others as wrestler and pankratiast' (καὶ ἄλλουσ πλείςτουσ ἀγῶνασ πάλθν πανκράτιον)