Person: Marcus Aurelius Demostratos Damas from Sardis (Lydia)

Place of birth
1 - 2 events
3 - 4 events
> 4 events
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1000 BC to 1000 AD
Person ID: 213
Name: Marcus Aurelius Demostratos Damas
Place of Origin: Sardis (Lydia)
Date Range: 156 to 176
Honorary Citizen of:
Kaisareia Tralleis (Caria)
Nikomedeia (Bithynia)
Elis (Elis)
Antinooupolis (Egypt)
Neapolis (Italy)
Sparta (Lakonia)
Argos (Argeia)
Ephesos (Ionia)
Sardis (Lydia)
Smyrna (Ionia)
Pergamon (Mysia)
Alexandria (Egypt)
Delphi (Phokis)
Miletos (Ionia)
Corinth (Corinthia)
Athens (Attica)
List of Festivals:
___ in Athens (Attica)
___ in Ephesos (Ionia)
___ in Smyrna (Ionia)
___ in Alexandria (Egypt)
___ in Larisa (Thessaly)
___ in Byzantion (Thrace)
___ in Perinthos (Thrace)
___ in Puteoli (Italy)
___ in Rome (Italy)
___ in Demetrias (Thessaly)
___ in Isthmia (Corinthia)
___ in Sparta (Lakonia)
? in Olympia (Elis)
Aktia in Nikopolis (Epeiros)
Augousteia in Pergamon (Mysia)
Balbilleia in Ephesos (Ionia)
Capitolia in Rome (Italy)
Chrysanthina in Sardis (Lydia)
Erotideia in Thespiai (Boiotia)
Eurykleia in Sparta (Lakonia)
ex Argous aspis in Argos (Argeia)
Hadrianeia in Athens (Attica)
Hadrianeia Olympia in Smyrna (Ionia)
Hadrianeia Olympia? in Smyrna (Ionia)
Hadrianeios Philadelpheios in Alexandria (Egypt)
Haleia in Rhodes (Rhodes)
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia)
Koina Arkadon in Mantinea (Achaia)
Koinon Asias in Smyrna (Ionia)
Nemea in Argos (Argeia)
Olympia in ? (?)
Olympia in Smyrna (Ionia)
Olympia Kommodeia in Sparta (Lakonia)
Olympia? in Athens (Attica)
Ourania in Sparta (Lakonia)
Panathenaia in Athens (Attica)
Panhellenia in Athens (Attica)
Pythia in Delphi (Phokis)
Sebasta in Neapolis (Italy)
Sebasteios in Alexandria (Egypt)
Seleukios in Alexandria (Egypt)
List of Events:
___ in Sparta (Lakonia) on ( 147 to 176 )
___ in Sparta (Lakonia) on ( 147 to 176 )
ex Argous aspis in Argos (Argeia) on ( 147 to 176 )
ex Argous aspis in Argos (Argeia) on ( 147 to 176 )
ex Argous aspis in Argos (Argeia) on ( 147 to 176 )
Hadrianeios Philadelpheios in Alexandria (Egypt) on ( 147 to 176 )
Pythia in Delphi (Phokis) on ( 147 to 176 )
Hadrianeios Philadelpheios in Alexandria (Egypt) on ( 147 to 176 )
Seleukios in Alexandria (Egypt) on ( 147 to 176 )
Sebasteios in Alexandria (Egypt) on ( 147 to 176 )
Augousteia in Pergamon (Mysia) on ( 147 to 176 )
Augousteia in Pergamon (Mysia) on ( 147 to 176 )
___ in Isthmia (Corinthia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Isthmia (Corinthia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Isthmia (Corinthia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Isthmia (Corinthia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Isthmia (Corinthia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Isthmia (Corinthia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Isthmia (Corinthia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Demetrias (Thessaly) on ( 162 to 177 )
? in Olympia (Elis) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Rome (Italy) on ( 162 to 177 )
Sebasta in Neapolis (Italy) on ( 162 to 177 )
Sebasta in Neapolis (Italy) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Puteoli (Italy) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Puteoli (Italy) on ( 162 to 177 )
Koina Arkadon in Mantinea (Achaia) on ( 162 to 177 )
Koina Arkadon in Mantinea (Achaia) on ( 162 to 177 )
Koina Arkadon in Mantinea (Achaia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Perinthos (Thrace) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Byzantion (Thrace) on ( 162 to 177 )
Erotideia in Thespiai (Boiotia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Larisa (Thessaly) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Larisa (Thessaly) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Larisa (Thessaly) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Alexandria (Egypt) on ( 162 to 177 )
Augousteia in Pergamon (Mysia) on ( 162 to 177 )
Koinon Asias in Smyrna (Ionia) on ( 162 to 177 )
Olympia in Smyrna (Ionia) on ( 162 to 177 )
Hadrianeia Olympia? in Smyrna (Ionia) on ( 162 to 177 )
Olympia in Smyrna (Ionia) on ( 162 to 177 )
Hadrianeia Olympia in Smyrna (Ionia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Smyrna (Ionia) on ( 162 to 177 )
Balbilleia in Ephesos (Ionia) on ( 162 to 177 )
Balbilleia in Ephesos (Ionia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Ephesos (Ionia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Ephesos (Ionia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Ephesos (Ionia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Ephesos (Ionia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Ephesos (Ionia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Ephesos (Ionia) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Ephesos (Ionia) on ( 162 to 177 )
Chrysanthina in Sardis (Lydia) on ( 162 to 177 )
Chrysanthina in Sardis (Lydia) on ( 162 to 177 )
Chrysanthina in Sardis (Lydia) on ( 162 to 177 )
Chrysanthina in Sardis (Lydia) on ( 162 to 177 )
Haleia in Rhodes (Rhodes) on ( 162 to 177 )
Haleia in Rhodes (Rhodes) on ( 162 to 177 )
Haleia in Rhodes (Rhodes) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Athens (Attica) on ( 162 to 177 )
___ in Athens (Attica) on ( 162 to 177 )
Hadrianeia in Athens (Attica) on ( 162 to 177 )
Panathenaia in Athens (Attica) on ( 162 to 177 )
Panathenaia in Athens (Attica) on ( 162 to 177 )
Panhellenia in Athens (Attica) on ( 162 to 177 )
Panhellenia in Athens (Attica) on ( 162 to 177 )
Panhellenia in Athens (Attica) on ( 162 to 177 )
Olympia? in Athens (Attica) on ( 162 to 177 )
Olympia? in Athens (Attica) on ( 162 to 177 )
Capitolia in Rome (Italy) on ( 178 to 178 )
Capitolia in Rome (Italy) on ( 174 to 174 )
Aktia in Nikopolis (Epeiros) on ( 212 to 217 )
Aktia in Nikopolis (Epeiros) on ( 212 to 217 )
Nemea in Argos (Argeia) on ( 156 to 176 )
Nemea in Argos (Argeia) on ( 156 to 176 )
Nemea in Argos (Argeia) on ( 156 to 176 )
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia) on ( 156 to 176 )
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia) on ( 156 to 176 )
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia) on ( 156 to 176 )
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia) on ( 156 to 176 )
Isthmia in Corinth (Corinthia) on ( 156 to 176 )
Pythia in Delphi (Phokis) on ( 156 to 176 )
Pythia in Delphi (Phokis) on ( 156 to 176 )
Pythia in Delphi (Phokis) on ( 156 to 176 )
Olympia in ? (?) on ( 156 to 176 )
Olympia in ? (?) on ( 156 to 176 )
Olympia Kommodeia in Sparta (Lakonia) on ( 156 to 176 )
Olympia Kommodeia in Sparta (Lakonia) on ( 156 to 176 )
Eurykleia in Sparta (Lakonia) on ( 156 to 176 )
Eurykleia in Sparta (Lakonia) on ( 156 to 176 )
Ourania in Sparta (Lakonia) on ( 156 to 176 )
Ourania in Sparta (Lakonia) on ( 156 to 176 )
List of Disciplines:
combat sports: ___
combat sports: pankration
combat sports: pugme
List of Agonistic Titles:
piktis aleiptos
archiereus xystou
List of References:
Bousquet, BCH 116 (1992), p. 188-190 = SEG 42.458
Bousquet, BCH 116 (1992), p. 190-192 = SEG 42.461
FD III.1 549
FD III.1 556
FD III.1 557
I.Ephesos 1125
IG XIV 1105
IGUR 243
P. Lond 1178
Sardis VII 79 = IGRR IV 1519 = IAG 84
SEG 53.1355
SEG 53.486
SEG 55.1056
List of Prosopographies:
Cartledge & Spawforth (1989), D.16
Farrington (2012), no. 1.202
Moretti (1953), no. 84
Weir (2004), p. 126
Fauconnier (2018)
Cartledge & Spawforth (1989), B.10
Cartledge & Spawforth (1989), C.13
Strasser (2001), no. 209
Fauconnier (2018)
Sarikakis (1965), no. 12
Brunet (1998), no. 19
Caldelli (1993), no. 40
Gouw (2009), no. 89
Moretti (1957), nos. 878, 881
Knab (1934), no. 52
Kostouros (2008), no. 116
Daux (1944-1945), p. 125-126
Jacquemin (1999), no. 429-431
Ugolini (2015), no. 37
Strasser (2021), nos. 85, 86, 87
Robert (1930), p. 44-49, 1022-1025
Strasser (2003), p. 251-299
Decker (2014), no. 75
Strasser (2019), p. 408-409
Moretti (1970), p. 301
Moretti (1992), nos. 878, 881
Comment: According to Farrington (2012) this athlete must have been active between ca AD 156-176. However, Moretti (1953) indicates that this athlete was active in a later period, between ca AD. 212-217. The argumentation of Farrington can be found in his footnote 528. -YP A mosaic inscription from Rhegium (SEG 55.1056) may refer to him or to his son M. Aurelius Damas (PersonID 1455). For a detailed study see Strasser 2003 (= Strasser, J.-Y. (2003). ‘La carrière du pancratiaste Markos Aurèlios Dèmostratos Damas’, in Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 127(1): 251-299.) Weir (2004) also attributes I.Ephesos 1612 to him, as does Moretti (1992), in addition to I.Ephesos 1160. Not all of his victories have been added to the database yet (April 2020) - CT Damas was given citizenship of Alexandria by oth emperor Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, as well as made xystarch of multiple games, high priest of the athletic guild and director of the imperial baths. From Septimius and Caracalla he received supervision over the Eusebeia and Sebasta. Moreover, he was able to make his positions of xystarch and high priest hereditary to his sons Aurelius Damas, Marcus Demostratianos, Demostratos Hegemonides and Damianos - all atheltes, as well. (αἰτησάμενος καὶ τυχὼν παρὰ τ[ῶν κυρ]ίων ἡμῶν θειοτάτων αὐτοκρατόρ[ων] Σεουηρου καὶ Ἀντωνίνου την τε ἀρ[χιερω]συνην καὶ τὰς ξυσταρχίας εἰς τὴ[ν τῶν] παίδων διαδοχην). Damas obtained the title of periodoneikes as pankratiast (Gouw). In total, 111-112 victories: Olympia, Delphi (3), Corinth (5), Argos (3+), Rome (3), Puteoli (2), Neapolis (2?), Nikopolis (2), Athens (10), Rhodos (3), Sardis (4), Ephesos (9), Smyrna (6), Pergamon, Alexandria, Larissa (3), Thespiae, Byzantion, Perinthos, Mantinea (3), Sparta (6), Demetrias, Isthmia (7, prize games)